


  1. 请求一个非教学画布站点 (NIS).
  2. 提交当前 申请表.
  3. Complete the asynchronous training course to earn a "Chabot NIS Canvas Design" badge 在八月一日晚上十一时五十九分前. (Instructors of Record are automatically enrolled; check your Chabot email for an 邀请加入.)
  4. 发布您的网站并添加学生.


6月17日: Last day to engage in the process (request a Fall 2024 Non-Instructional Canvas 现场并开始培训)



Instructional Technology is here during the summer to help you complete training and 准备你的非教学网站(NIS). 除非另有规定,否则所有工作坊都在Zoom中进行 指出. Click on a 车间 title to access the drop-in link or select a date to register 一个(或多个) 可选 车间.


  • 周一(正在进行中)上午10-11点
  • Drop by to ask questions, and get feedback and support


Preview the learning outcomes, all six modules of the training course, and the NIS 课程设计清单


Explore the building blocks of course 设计, personalize your site's course 导航 菜单,并开始构建页面和模块


Develop accessible sites by identifying accessibility must-haves, creating an accessible Canvas page template, and using the built-in accessibility checkers


Build an accessible and welcoming page that 学生 see right when they click into 你的课程. You do not need to attend 画布可访问性基础 prior to attending this 车间, but we will review the accessibility features built into Canvas.


Select the communication tools that best meets the needs of your program/course and 学生. Learn how to set up and use Pronto, Canvas Inbox, and display Announcements 在你的网站主页上


Continue building your skills by creating accessible images and tables, format images without using tables, and incorporate accessible colors and color contrast in your 设计



  • 7月17日和18日(上午10-11点)
  • 7月22日和23日(下午1-2点)



Canvas is a 学习 Management System (LMS) with the primary purpose to facilitate 指令. Chabot has a small number of 非教学画布网站 available for 学生服务 groups on campus geared towards supporting 学生 academically.



Before requesting a Canvas Site, please familiarize yourself with other communication platforms at Chabot to ensure that Canvas, as a 学习 Management System, best meets 你的需求.    

  • Audience: Internal; targeting current 学生  
  • Purpose: Sharing resources and events with 学生 to encourage retention and engagement, making pathways to completing certificates and degrees transparent to currently enrolled 学生(已经有一个学术 & 职业路径平铺,将用户发送到 Chabot网站)  
  • Audience: Public facing; targeting prospective and currently enrolled 学生 and 授信人  
  • Purpose: Encouraging enrollment, making pathways to completing certificates and degrees transparent to currently enrolled 学生, sharing events with the campus community and public, documenting college programs and processes for accreditation, 等.  
  • Audience: Internal (although CRM Recruit can be external); targeting current and prospective 学生  
  • Purpose: System allows 咨询, 教师 and Student Success teams to document, message, and support 学生 using a central repository of communication as the student 完成他们的学习计划 
  • Audience: Internal; targeting current 学生 (it is a current Canvas repository 学生已经很熟悉了)  
  • Purpose: Sharing resources and events with 学生 to encourage retention and engagement, making pathways to completing certificates and degrees transparent to currently enrolled 学生  
  • Audience: Public facing; targeting prospective and currently enrolled 学生  
  • Purpose: Encouraging enrollment, sharing resources and events with 学生 and community, 等.  



If you or your manager decide to request a Canvas Non-Instructional Site, you acknowledge that 非教学画布网站 are typically created for a one-学期 term 由一名正式的“记录指导员”管理.“这个人负责 以下.  


Canvas Sites take a significant amount of time to build and there should be dedicated time in this person’s schedule for completing appropriate training, 设计ing the course, maintaining the accuracy of information in the course, and moderating any 的相互作用.  


所有内容必须是完全可访问的. 非教职员工的“指导员记录”必须填写 the COOL-approved Non-Instructional Canvas Site training.  

Both Ally and PopeTech are available in all Chabot Canvas Sites (指令al and non-指令al) to facilitate and track accessible 设计. 我们建议两者都使用 accessibility checkers on every page before publishing and remediating as needed.  


不允许自行注册. To maintain FERPA compliance, 学生 must be individually enrolled each 学期, and the People tab in the global 导航 menu must be disabled (或者学生看不见).  

请注意 if 学生 withdraw from the Sponsoring Organization during the 学期, they will still need to be removed from the Non-Instructional Site.  



All users with administrative and/or editing capabilities must complete accessibility and 设计 training, with Instructors of Record responsible for verifying training 和遵从性.  

Instructional and 非教学画布网站 expire at the end of each 学期. Instructors of Record must request a New, Non-Instructional Canvas Site for each new 建议使用的学期.  记录讲师将能够复制内容和 添加新的学生用户. Additional Teacher Roles can be added by Instructional Technology.   



  • Submit your request for a Non-Instructional Canvas Site by using form for each new 学期 .
  • 提交请求并不保证获得批准.
  • 留意你的Chabot邮件,以便跟进.
  • The last day to begin engaging in this process is 6月17日 for sites open during the 秋季学期.