Transfer Financial Aid

Transfer Students and Financial Aid

被大学录取是一个巨大的成就,也是转学的一部分 our reality. Determining how to manage the costs of going to university is likely 在你的脑海里,同样重要的是考虑转会是一个可行的选择. 

下面的信息提供了一个起点,以了解更多,项目可能采取 考虑到这一点,以及一些应用技巧,它可能会在讨论中支持你 以及在整个本科期间如何充分利用经济援助的决定 career here at Chabot and the university. Money is personal, cultural, and psychological. 四处看看,深入挖掘,说出你的疑惑,向你信任的支持者咨询 网络,包括家庭,夏伯特财务援助顾问,大学财务 援助顾问,你的顾问,并考虑在背景下什么是最适合你的 your short-term and long-term aspirations. 

We are here to support you!

View our Transfer Center Calendar and register to attend financial aid focused workshops such as:

  • Transfer Students Financial Aid
  • Making Sense of University Financial Aid Offers
  • FAFSA/CADAA How-To Workshops



  • 经济援助的一般定义是帮助学生支付费用的钱 of a college education. At universities, this includes tuition and fees. University 经济援助还包括与住房、食品、医疗保险、水电费、 transportation, and school supplies.
  • 援助可以来自联邦政府、州、机构和组织。.
  • Aid can come in different forms, and the most common ones are:
    • Grants: This is money granted based on need and does not need to be repaid.
    • Loans: This is money that may be borrowed. The most common loans offered are the federal 贷款,学生将与大学财政援助办公室一起选择 a repayment plan 6 months after leaving or graduating from the institution.
    • Work-Study: 这是联邦政府通过勤工俭学计划(Work-Study program)在校内工作挣来的钱 financial aid program for FAFSA applicants. Students can choose to work a part-time job with or without a work-study offer.
    • Scholarships: 这是根据需要或优点发放的钱,取决于它的结构, that does not need to be repaid.



  • The majority of financial aid (e.g. grants, loans, work-study, some scholarships) 是通过被称为FAFSA和 CADAA:
  • Remember to apply for financial aid every year.
  • 确定经济援助优先考虑的截止日期为你的未来 universities and incorporate into your your Fall Transfer Checklist or Spring Transfer Checklist
    • 科罗拉多州立大学和加州大学的优先考虑截止日期是2024年4月2日 attending in Fall 2024 or Spring 2025.
  • 当你完成学业后,大学会自动颁发一些奖学金 FAFSA/CADAA; others require a separate application and/or materials.
  • When applying for scholarships offered outside of the institution:
    • Never pay to access information about scholarship opportunities. has a good primer on Scholarship Scams.
    • 考虑建立和使用一个单独的电子邮件地址来管理所有的奖学金 emails and opportunities you will receive.
    • 奖学金可以适用于上大学的任何方面(而不是只适用于上大学) to offset tuition & fees) may be more helpful.
    • 一些奖学金是可以续期的,如果你保持gpa并且继续达到标准的话.
    • 向你的大学询问你获得的校外奖学金是否会减少你的经济负担 aid you are offered and in what ways (i.e. do outside scholarships reduce the student loan or does it reduce the free moneys originally offered by the school)  


  • 当你知道你的加州大学申请自动成为你的学生时,你可以放心和兴奋 application to numerous scholarships at the UC. You may be invited by UC to apply for additional scholarships.
  • 浏览大学助学金网页或向大学助学金办公室查询 如果他们的奖学金申请门户是为即将到来的转学生提供的. 
  • UC Scholarship Portals:
  • “加州大学自己的基于需求的补助金可以帮助填补加州居民的空白。 some transfer students may have used up available state and federal aid. (Source: Paying for UC - Eight Facts).
  • 如有下列任何限制,请向你的csu或其他机构咨询 impact your ability to receive need-based aid at their campus.
    • For Federal Student Aid such as Pell Grant:
    • 加州学生援助委员会(CSAC)提供许多不同种类的州助学金 aid and learning about its financial aid programs and limits can help you better strategize and plan.
      • The Cal Grant program has a limit of four years. View your CSAC Webgrants 4 You account to monitor usage.
      • 如果个人财务每年都是一样的,你可能需要考虑如何分散 在整个本科生涯的4年里,在加州社区学习 College and the CSU. Please consult with Financial Aid Office experts and partner 与你的支持网络一起决定什么最适合你的个人情况.
      • Note: If you were offered CalGrant Transfer Entitlement Award,审查入学要求并完成转学资格证书 in Webgrants account, if not already completed.
  • Attend FAFSA/CADAA Workshops 由我们的财政援助办公室或大学财政援助办公室提供援助 completing financial aid application(s).
  • Attend the Transfer Application Workshop Series on topics related to:
    • Transfer Student and Financial Aid
    • Applying for Viable Scholarships
    • Interpreting and Evaluating University Financial Aid Offers



  • Evaluate the differences between CCC and University Costs and Financial Aid (content to come)
  • 与大学财务援助顾问联系或参加转学中心口译 你的大学经济援助提供研讨会,以了解样本经济援助提供 so you and your family can compare and decide what is best.
  • 比较录取、经济援助、住房和其他方面的录取,做出决定 else that is important to you and your success.
  • 许多大学校园都有一个财务健康中心来支持学生 通过浏览和管理与上大学有关的费用, 包括如何充分利用你的经济援助,预算,如何 to open a checking account, how do credit cards work, managing debt.
    • 一些中心与学生支持和免费资源联系良好,以满足基本需求 needs like free and fresh foods and more. This is in addition to the university Financial 援助办公室,专注于处理和整理你的经济援助报价.
    • Here is an example from the peer-to-peer UC Berkeley Center for Financial Wellness.
    • 考虑询问并联系大学财务健康中心 and get oriented on the support and coaching available.

管理与上大学相关的费用会让人感到有点压力和难以管理 financial aid rules  can be daunting. For some of us, this may be one of the first times we are making big decisions in the area of finances. You are not alone. We are here to support you!

与你的转学支持网络合作(家人、朋友、经济援助专家、 让我们互相帮助,度过你们转会的这段旅程!

Questions? Contact Transfer Center Counselor Ms. Frances Fon at